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[SQUAD] Admin Server

Community News Forums LA COMMUNAUTÉ FRANCOPHONE Les tutoriaux [SQUAD] Admin Server

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  • Auteur
    • #206
      Avatar de l’utilisateurDolken

      Voici les commandes admin des serveurs Squad :

        • AdminAllKitsAvailable : Sets the server to ignore kit restrictions


        • AdminAlwaysValidPlacement : Sets the server to ignore placement rules for deployables


        • AdminBan : Bans a player from the server


        • AdminBanById : Bans player with Id from the server


        • AdminBroadCast : Send System message to all players on the server


        • AdminChangeMap : Change the map an travel to it immediately


        • AdminCreateVehicule  : Create Vehicule for testing)


        • AdminDemoPlay : Play Back the demo recording, must have file from server)


        • AdminDemoRec : Records gameplay, you must run this first


        • AdminDemoStop : Stops recording and saves the demo to disk


        • AdminEndMatch : Tell the server to immediately end the match


        • AdminKick : Kicks a player from the server


        • AdminKickByID : Kicks a player with Id from the server


        • AdminKillServer <Force0/1> : Tells the server to stop execution


        • AdminPauseMatch : Tell the server to put the match on hold


        • AdminRestartMatch : Tell the server to restart the match


        • AdminSetMaxNumPlayers : Set the maximum number of players for this server


        • AdminSetNextMap : Set the next map to travel to after this match ends


        • AdminSetNumReservedSlots : Set the number of reserved player slots


        • AdminSetServerPassword : Set the password for a server or use “” to remove it


        • AdminSlomo  : Set the clock speed on the server 0.1 is 10% of normal speed 2.0 is twice the normal speed


        • AdminSpawnActor  : Create an Actor for testing


        • AdminStats : Retrieve stats from the server


      • AdminUnpauseMatch : Tell the server to take off the old

      Paramètre :

        • Chora (Random)


        • Chora AAS


        • Fool’s Road (Random)


        • Fool’s Road 1


        • Fool’s Road Skirmish


        • Jensen’s Range


        • Kohat (Random)


        • Kohat AAS


        • Kohat Insurgency


        • Kohat Radio Tower


        • Kohat Skirmish


        • Logar (random)


        • Logar AAS


        • Logar Night Insurgency


        • Logar P.A.S.S.


        • Logar Skirmish


        • OP First Light


        • OP First Light AAS


        • Sumari (Random)


        • Sumari ASS v1


        • Sumari ITC


      • Sumari Skirmish

      Autre commandes publiques :

        • ChangeTeams : Change teams to the other side


        • ChangeTeamsWithId : Change teams to the specified team number, zero changes to the other side


        • Chat : <ChatType=All|Teams|Squad> : Broadcast chat message


        • ChatToAdmin : Send System message to all admins on the server


        • ChatToAll : Chat to everyone


        • ChatToSquad : Chat only to same squad


        • ChatToTeam : Chat only to same team


        • CreateReallyPoint : Drop a rally point for squad members to spawn from


        • CreateSquad : Request the creation of a squad, specifying the name


        • DisabledHudWidgets : Removes all widgets on the HUD


        • DisabledUI : Removes the UI components from the screen


        • Disconnect : Disconnect from server


        • GiveUp : Die and give up being wounded


        • HighResShot <Resolution/Multiplier> : take a screen shot,e.G. “HighResShot 3840×2160” or “HighResShot 4”


        • JoinSquadWithID : Join a squad on our team with the following Id


        • JoinSquadWithName : Join a squad on our team with the following name


        • LeaveSquad : Leave the squad we are currently 


        • r.SetRes :Change screen resolution, r.setres 1920x1080f


        • Reconnect : Reconnects to previous server


        • ShowNextMap : Ask the server what the next map is


        • ShowPlayerIds : Show player ids with associated player name


        • Stat FPS : Draw frame rate on screen


        • Stat Unit : Draws game, draw, and gpu times on screen


      • Suicide : Causes the Player to commit suicide
    • #1260
      Avatar de l’utilisateurDolken


      Admin=76561197990473931:523263 ; MathR67
      Admin=76561198044633268:523263 ; Skor
      Admin=76561197991601025:523263 ; Palermo
      Admin=76561198036133702:523263 : Driver
      Admin=76561198005525818:523263 ; Norn
      Admin=76561198099737280:523263 ; Virus
      Admin=76561198042046029:523263 ; McKnight
      Admin=76561198001770538:523263 ; Arkanoid
      Admin=76561197974508448:523263 ; Wolgor
      Admin=76561198000459037:523263 ; Markoiz

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